Sam A. Adams Estate
This is a small tract of land
situated just north of Reeds Mill on the opposite side of Second Creek. I had researched this some years ago with
interest in purchasing it; however, so many members of the
434 Ac. was purchased by
Dickson from Johnson, Johnson and Nickell on Dec. 30, l910 and is recorded in
Deed Book 44 at page 388. The origin of
this property will show up in research of the Dickson property.
The tract that will become
S.A. Adams purchased this
tract from C.L & Mary Thomas on
Note: Due to the lax
attitude of the Monroe Co. tax office, in earlier times, the residue from this
survey was never corrected on the property cards leaving 1+ Ac. still in the
Thomas name. This is what is called the
“Blackberry Patch” and is still taxed to the Thomas family. I contend that this land does not now or ever
has existed but I am sure the Thomas family would contest this idea.
S.A. Adams died on
All of these 8 children are
now passed and their interest is therefore divided amount their heirs as
follows: (Each original Sam Adams heir
would have received 1/8 or 0.125% interest in the estate)
Mable Adams Reed and her husband are deceased: They have 5 children, therefore each child
will retain 0.025% of the estate.
Harriet E. Adams Trent and her husband are deceased: They have 12 children, therefore each child
will retain 0.01042% of the estate.
Trulyeon E. Adams and his wife are deceased: They have 3 children, therefore each child
will retain 0.04167% of the estate.
Lucy E. Adams Waters and her husband are deceased: They have 3 children, therefore each child
will retain 0.04167% of the estate.
Edward H. Adams: It is not
known if his wife is alive or dead but they had 3 children and it is assumed
they will have 0.04167% interest in the estate.
Virginia C. Adams McDowell and her husband are deceased: They have 2 children therefore each will
retain 0.0625% of the estate.
Eva J. Adams Porterfield: It is understood
that her husband is still alive. They
had one child that is known but it is deceased.
This estate will share in the 0.125% interest in the property.
Emma L. Adams Morgan: Her husband,
Bill, is alive and they have 2 children.
It will depend on when Emma passed away as to the disposition of their
interest, however, they will share 0.125% of the total
Survey of the Sam A. &
Fanny Adams Property
Begin: Corner to(or on)
H.W.Thomas and James Reed line
S70E, 20 ½ p.(338.25’); N20-30E, 7 p. less 2’(113.5’); S84-30E, 2 p.(33’); N23E, 12 p.(198’); N35E, 16 p.(264’); N54-30E, 13 p.(214.5’); Leaving McDowell line
N1E, 9 p.(148.5’); N21E, 12 p.(198’);
Leaving creek and up hill
N48-30W, 6 ¾
p.(111.375’); N61-30W, 5 ¾ p.(94.875’); N65W, 4 p.(66’);
N54-30W, 3 ¾
p.(61.875’); N86-30W, 9 ½
S89W, 8 ¾ p.(144.375’); S9W, 31 ¾ p.(523.875’); S22W, 35 p.(577.5’) to beginning
13 ac – 20 p.
13 1/8 ac.